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HRD Corp Approved Training Provider Malaysia - Industrial 4.0 Certification Training and Education

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Practice Test

  • Microsoft Certification Practice Test
  • Detailed answers and references
  • Study and timed certification mode
  • Instant score report
Course Code: P077



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Why should I take the AZ-900 exam?

The AZ-900 certification offers you the perfect opportunity to start a rewarding career in cloud computing as an Azure Administrator by allowing you to demonstrate your knowledge of cloud services and how they are provided with Microsoft Azure. The AZ-900 exam is also an optional and recommended stepping stone for the rest of the Azure certification path, including associate, expert and specialist level exams.

The AZ-900 practice test includes two different modes: certification and practice mode. Certification mode allows you to assess your knowledge and discover your weak areas, with practice mode allowing you to focus on the areas that need development.

This test contains 163 questions and covers the following objectives:

  • Describe Cloud Concepts - 41
  • Describe Azure architecture and services - 64
  • Describe Azure management and governance - 58

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